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I'd be willing to make sure Madeline never sees these pictures as long as you'd be willing to, uh, fulfill my needs." You mean... you want to fuck me? That's sick! You're my sister's husband!" I don't see anything sick about it, Anne. Your sister's a wonderful woman, but she doesn't satisfy me in the bedroom. I know you're a hot piece of ass, and that's what I need. Think of it as saving her marriage and saving yourself a lot of grief by putting out for me." I was amazed at how calm I remained. On command Linda and all the other women put their righthand on the shoulder of the girl in front of them, and begin to march in lochsteps to the evening roll - call . The sun has already gone down, and for thelast two hours, they have been working in the light from the searchlights.She feels Lajla`s slender hand on her shoulder. It feels good! They stop alongthe way to lay down their sledgehammers. Those girls who still has some urineleft in the cans, quickly drink it. The entire chain gangs. His skillful tongue nearly made her cum and gush her juices all over his face. She wanted him, whatever his name was, so badly right now. She pushed back on him, and her head raised off the bed as she moaned, feeling his dick head slide in. She starts rocking her hips, just teasing that dick head, some fast shallow bouncing on that dick, enough to have him wanting more. Suddenly she slid all the way back on it, and although she knew it was big, she didn't expect to feel to overwhelmingly full.. But, Marion was to receive an additional 30 lashes with the flogger and 2 hours in the pillory for arguing with the Rules Judge. Both were listed as first offenses, and both Punishment Orders were signed by Sara! In fact, Marion was lucky that Sara did not charge her with a second offense for the argument, or she would already be in the Slave Action.Now Debbie really needed fucked! There was her friend -- someone who she knew was trying to get her into the Slave Auction -- scheduled for a.
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